Portable Clicky Gone 1.4

Portable Clicky Gone 1.4 Free Download

Update Clicky Gone 1. 4 as a standalone, moveable version for Windows 32 – and 64-bit. You can easily switch between open windows using the hotkeys or box menu on the portable Clicky Gone 1.4, which offers customization for the desktop.

Evaluation of the Modular Clicky Gone 1. 4?

When you have opened many skylights, swapping active skylights can occasionally be difficult. Clicky Gone is a helpful tool for easily hiding and restoring dynamic panels. You can quickly transfer between the panels using it. For non-technical notebook subscribers, it offers a incredibly welcoming culture. The pilotage gore is organized, clear, and self-evident. You can carry out all services through the holder emblem as the use launches because it shrinks to the procedure box. It is extremely lightweight and does not slacken down your computer because it performs actions on Windows factors.

You can set your desired locks and modify the hotkeys from the surroundings plate to completely customize the entire culture. Instead of minimizing to the Windows desktop when you hide an application, it appears in the box region. Your toolbar may remain clean as a result. Additionally, there are a number of sophisticated functions, including desktop habit.

Portable Clicky Gone 1. 4 functions

The majority of Clicky Gone’s’s functions are as follows:

  • a practical tool for maintaining desktop cleanliness
  • Environment that is light-weight and self-explanatory
  • reduces the tray’s’s active panels
  • Guidance for Hotkeys( wholly configurable )
  • Totally complimentary and modular request
  • Manage the parameters of the fullscreen for adventures and other applications.
  • Endorse for environment menus and title bars
  • Normally on edge, conceal from see, and more

Portable Clicky Gone 1. 4 Technical Information

Before streaming Clicky Gone, read up on its professional specifications.

  • Compatible with windows 7, Vista, and Xp
  • 749 Mb folder size
  • 128 Mb of ram is needed.
  • Second base processor is needed.
  • Pages programmer

Update Clicky Gone Lightweight 1. 4 for Windows for completely.

Downloader Portable Clicky Gone 1.4 for Windows can be launched by clicking the button down. It works with both x64-compatible architectures.x86. A potent Windows flexibility tool is Clicky Gone.